Greeting from the Director
Since the incorporation of national universities in 2004, the environment surrounding national universities has been changing every moment, and with the aim of responding to social needs, researchers are expected to improve the quality of education and research and strengthen their international competitiveness. For this reason, it is said that the work that researchers have to do is increasing, and the time devoted to research activities is decreasing.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's FY2011 project, “Development of a system to train and secure research administrators”, was a catalyst for the introduction of research administrators (URA), mainly in universities. In the West, URA is widely recognized as a "professional" who supports research at universities and companies, and has a long history and is already active.
Nagoya Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as "NITech") established the Research Administration Office (URA Office at that time) on July 1, 2014 with the aim of archieving the globalization of NITech and strengthening the promotion of innovation. Introducing the NITech's own URA organization, which is unique to other universities, supports researchers in many ways and contributes to the development of an environment where researchers can devote themselves to their research. We will work to strengthen it.
ERYU Osamu
Executive Director for Research Planning and Evaluation
Director, Research Administration Office
Greeting from the Head
As globalization progresses, improving research capabilities and global presence of Japanese universities is a major issue. In recent years, it is said that Japan’s research capability has declined both in quality and quantity and come to feel more and more the difference between Europe and the US. One of the reasons for this is the change in the environment surrounding universities and research, as well as the stagnation of internationalization. Certain execution based on information collection and analysis inside and outside the university is necessary.
The URA Office’s Research Development Support Team allocates specialized human resources to support the researchers of NITech in a multi-faceted and efficient manner, making a strategic plan for strengthening research development, researching/analyzing/evaluating research capability. We are also working diligently to propose research activity plans in collaboration with domestic and overseas research institutions and disseminate information on research results. Although it is a compact organization, each URA will endeavor to support the researchers closely and work on a wide range of support activities to strengthen the research capabilities of NITech. Please feel free to contact us please.
IDO Yasushi
Vice President for Research Promotion and Research Environment Maintenance
Head, Research Development Support Team, Research Administration Office